Landscape Maintenance worker mowing a lush, green lawn

landscape maintenance & enhancements you can count on



strata | Commercial | Residential

  • Predictable scheduling you can count on

    • Once you become a Fallingwater landscape maintenance client, you will receive a predictable day of service each week. Because we have solved the staffing problem that plagues the landscape maintenance industry (more on that below) you won’t feel the frustration of wondering when your gardeners will arrive.

  • Get more value on each visit

    • Over 2/3rds of staff Horticultural Red Seal certified

    • Educated staff = making the best decisions for your garden each week

  • Victoria’s Largest Maintenance Portfolio

    • Over 150 acres under management

    • 20 years experience working in Victoria’s unique Canadian climate

    • Successful management of large, multi acre properties

  • Direct lines of Communication

    • Weekly site reports emailed to you after each visit

    • Communication each visit from your dedicated site supervisor

    • Regular check ins and site visits from your maintenance manager

  • Save $ on minor irrigation fixes and adjustments

    • Our on staff certified irrigation technicians can help you avoid extra fees to your primary irrigation provider by fixing small issues and making adjustments as necessary.

  • You’ll see the same faces week after week

    • We hear it all the time- “our previous landscapers had staffing issues and I never recognize the people who show up”. We invest a lot in our staff's education, so we don't face the same challenges as other landscaping companies in Victoria.

  • budgetary guidance to get the most out of your landscape

    • To avoid a gradual decline, you can't get around the need to spend some money each year on your landscape. Properties that don’t set aside some budget for landscape enhancements tend to build up issues that require spending larger amounts down the line.

    • We help our clients make smart choices about how much money to spend on enhancements each year to keep their gardens healthy and beautiful. Ask us for our strata guide to enhancements budgeting document

  • priority service from our dedicated enhancements crew

    • We have a specialized landscape enhancements team that can provide the additional services listed below. As our landscape maintenance client you receive priority scheduling and enjoy our shortest wait times for any of these projects. Often between 2 and 4 weeks.

Our landscape maintenance services include:

  • Lawn Maintenance

  • Aerating

  • Garden Bed Weeding & Cultivating

  • Green Roof Maintenance

  • Pruning as Per Species Requirements

  • Slow Release Fertilizer

  • Lime (as needed based on pH test)

  • Garbage pickup

  • Debris Removal (leaves etc)

  • Irrigation Monitoring & Timer Adjustment

  • (Strata/Comm. Only) Yearly Site Assessment & Recommendations Presented to Council

  • (Strata/Comm. Only) Multi-Year Strategic Planning If Requested

  • Budget Centric Guidance for Enhancements Projects

    See Enhancements Services for a listing of additional options

Fallingwater manages all aspects of horticulture maintenance for residential properties requiring a high level of care, stratas and prominent Jawl Properties buildings including 750 Pandora, 1515 Douglas, Capital Park, and the Selkirk Waterfront.

Our approach is to gain a thorough understanding of site conditions and client expectations, and devise solutions that minimize expenditures and deliver maximum value. Outlining the pros, cons and costs of each solution allows our clients to make informed decisions. All work is done to Canadian Landscape Standards by a horticulturally trained team. Weekly site reports keep everyone informed.

Ongoing maintenance is essential to preserving the health and appearance of any property.


landscape ENHANCEMENTS Services

It is important to budget for property enhancements. Investing in the ongoing betterment of your site not only keeps it looking its best, it will greatly enhance the property’s value over time. As always, we detail all options for our clients so they can make an educated choice on the how to proceed. Our most frequent and budget-friendly recommendation is the annual application of a high-quality compost/mulch. There is no better investment in the long-term health of your landscape. 

Our enhancements services include:

• Soil Remediation

• Compost / Mulch Applications

• Landscape Re-design

• Garden Bed Upgrades

• Tree & Plant Selection & Replacements

• Interlocking Brick Paver Repairs

• Aggregate Installation

• Drainage

Irrigation System Renovations

• Specialty Pruning

• Disease Assessment & Treatment Plans

• Tree Pruning & Removals

• Tree Protections


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It has been our great good fortune to have had Fallingwater with us for the past five years. The team brings a professional, competent, collaborative and friendly work ethic to keeping our gardens weed free, our shrubs trimmed, our lawns well mowed, and the grounds looking their best in every season. Thanks Fallingwater!
— Meadows Strata Council